Monday, 28 April 2008

Poor Boy by School of Language

Another track review for This Is Fake DIY. I gave it 3.5 out of 5, but I'd give myself 2.5. Feel like I just relied on cliched constructions and so on, because there's only so many ways you can say 'this is QUITE GOOD, yeah?'. Here it is:

A side project of Field Music that has become a main project, School of Language is written and recorded entirely by David Brewis. This is a one man and his laptop affair, but it manages to sound like a laptop with a drummer, guitarist and keyboard player willingly trapped inside. New single Poor Boy is easily the most accessible track from his debut album, Sea From Shore.
Poor Boy is a fuzz of American college rock guitars and falsetto harmonies, approaching a geeked-up Queens of the Stone Age. Who knew Sunderland could produce such sunny melodies and squelchy bass? Like Weezer in their cuter moments, it slots together deceptively simple melodies and crisp guitar riffs. A bit like Tetris. But it’s not all brightly coloured shapes, as David slyly observes in the chorus: ‘and you’re tired of being everybody’s lover’.At four minutes, Poor Boy hangs around for about a minute too long. Many good things can happen in one minute, but Poor Boy’s repetition is not one of them. Had the duplicate choruses been chopped out, it could have been a sparky little pop nugget ready to enliven indie discos. Unfortunately, it just keeps going. And going. And going.

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