Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Spot + identify

I have recently discovered Spotify. And what a discovery. It's a music streaming service similar to Pandora. Unlike Pandora, it's available to Europeans like me. Also, you can organise songs into playlists like iTunes, and stream to your heart's content. The slickness and quickness of the technology (a painless download) is impressive, but I think it's Swedish. We all know that Sweden = nirvana. Those Swedes are so clever.
But what about the economics? Just how are people making cold hard cash off this? Let's not be shy about this. Everybody needs to pay the rent/mortgage. Maybe the idea is that streaming music will encourage MP3 and CD sales, or maybe the idea is advertising revenue. There's plenty of digital media advertising revenue to be had, but I'm not convinced there's an endless supply. What happens when the recession bites? So far, the ads on Spotify had been very discrete, although Moira Stewart did remind me to fill in my tax return (and I was all 'Moira, relax! I did that in October').
PS - I think Spotify is only available if you're in Europe (or your computer is in Europe, at least) and you need an invite. Email if you want in. And you know you do want in.

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