Thursday, 28 August 2008

The Ting Tings vs Joe Lean and the Jing Jang Jong

I remember a time, not so long ago, when The Tings Tings were easily confused with Joe Lean and the Jing Jang Jong. Both have similar-sounding names, and both were amongst the crop of ones to watch in 2008 in just about every music publication and blog. The year's not out, but who is clambering to the top of the indie heirarchy? And who needs to book an appointment with a careers advisor?
Let's find out, in The Tings Tings vs Joe Lean and the Jing Jang Jong!

And who are the winners? Why, it's...

My kind of ting
...of course. Sorry, Joe Lean (or is it Joe Beaumont? Or Joe Van Moyland?)
(PS: Sorry for the size of the table, Blogger doesn't have an insert table option. Probably as not many bloggers want to insert a table comparing indie bands.)

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